Thursday, March 02, 2006

Don't the powers that be love the opening line!

Compulsory for Everyone

By law, everyone present in New Zealand on census day ( 7 March 2006 ) must be included in the census. Section 43 of the Statistics Act 1975 states clearly that an Individual Form must be completed for every person and a Dwelling Form must be completed for every occupied dwelling.The reason for making the census compulsory is simple. It is the only way we can be sure that information about the total population has been obtained and we have an accurate overview of New Zealand society every five years.

The census is the key source of information about the people living in our cities, towns, suburbs and rural communities. As everyone takes part, we can get a full picture of what’s really happening in our country.

If the census was voluntary, we would never know whether those who filled in the census forms were truly representative of the population or not. The statistics produced would be very unreliable.

Now seeing as we have to go to the bother and expense of this, wouldn't it be useful to put a another question on the form and have another election and/ or a few refferendum questions,all at the same time!


Rick said...

Look what I what I've done. I switched the word 'census' with the word 'vote' and left the logic alone.

If the VOTE was voluntary, we would never know whether those who filled in the VOTE forms were truly representative of the population or not. The statistics produced would be very unreliable.

Sounds like a blow against our democratic system. Sounds like treason against the Government- who must now, by their own lights, arrest themselves~!

Anonymous said...

Last census no one came to collect the forms, although I was sent two letters containing reply paid envelopes for me to return the forms, I refused. No further action was taken and I still have them.

Anonymous said...

If you want to have a bit of fun you can always fill in confusing answers. the only bit I object to is the ethnic question I always have answered New Zealander of English origin.Thats what I am and thats what I will be despite their refusal to recognise me as such. Given the PC bullshit we have to put up with I find it ironic that I cant be recognised as I wish to be.