Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eat, Drink and be merry, for tommorrow- we diet

Well- the start date is Thursday after shopping.

After putting on 20 of the 30 kg I lost last year, I'm sick of being a fat fuck and want to get the damned diabetes more managable. Hadn't realised how crook I was until I started the new meds and no longer got up to pee five times a night and could stay awake without drinking a litre of industrial-strength coffee.

So it's the low-carb diet I used a few years back to great success before poverty had me eating shite again and laziness kept me doing so. I actually like to live on meat and greens minus the carbs. Apart from one important source of carbohydrates!

So- no more friggin' beer- just the odd whisky & soda.

This time the wife is doing it too, so we can wind each other up and stay honest.

I want to see her in the Wicked Weasel again, come next summer!

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