Monday, December 10, 2012

Normal service to resume soon

I will be back in the land of real internet in 10 days, after two months of existing off T-sticks that sometimes work and crappy free wifi.

Most of my data has been used for house-hunting and precious little for leisure.

I'm in a new town, with plenty of new stuff to vent about- or I could just spend the time fishing.

We will see...


KG said...

It'll be good to see you back, Os. :)

Anonymous said...

Have you ound a new place Os,and are you still in Wairarapa?

Lofty said...

Fish mate, fish.

Life is too bloody short. will end up a desk slave like fun in that.

Oswald Bastable said...

I'm up in Northland now. Had to go where the work is.