Got my first kill with a chainsaw!
I was working down at my firewood block today and caught a wiff of something dead. I couldn't find it until I finished limbing and dragged the branches clear.
Under a (very big) tree I felled on Sunday was a dead rabbit!
He must have thought he was safe 60 feet from where I was working, until a couple of tons of Blue Gum dropped on him!
Did you eat it?
You may have seen this but...
For some reason I cannot post a link - I usually create it on my blog and paste it in comments box, but your comments box covers pull down menu. If I move it across, 'edit/paste' is not activated. Any suggestions?
It was past it's 'best by' date!
Remember, I found it by smell- stench would be more correct.
Never had any problemas with cut & paste here...
As for the first comment, I wish i could kill with the 'evil eye' It would make pest contol a lot easier and cheaper!
buggering you with that chainsaw would be most unpleasant
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