My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off.
Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species.
This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I want to set up a new communications consultancy.
I am willing to attack other blogs & bloggers for money.
Anyone want to offer me some?
Because due to work and family, I don't get to do half the shit-stirring I would like!
I am happy for you to write something extremely rude about me. Only proviso is it has to be funny and you have to put a link on the post to my blog. Frankly I could do with some traffic, it has got cobwebs.
today has been the best shit stirring day in months. If it gets any better i will need a 40 foot spoon.
To hell with our political differences: you're a shoe in for The Sub-standard.
One condition though, all donations will have to be kept secret, because bro Tane says so.
I'll give you five bucks to write a post entitled "Lewis Holden is a Whiny Assed Bitch".
I am happy for you to write something extremely rude about me. Only proviso is it has to be funny and you have to put a link on the post to my blog. Frankly I could do with some traffic, it has got cobwebs.
Aren't we calling you a curmudgeonly old cunt this week at your request anyway?
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