Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three victims and you are out

"A Christchurch judge has taken a swing at the new "three strikes and the max'' criminal justice policy the Government is about to put in place.

Christchurch District Court Judge David Saunders had an offender with a long record in the dock on a burglary charge.

But he was concerned that the proposed law change could lead to an unavoidable 10-year jail term for what looked to be a minor offense..."

Well what a surprise! Wankers in wigs don't like being told what to do! 

But then you look at this poor downtrodden wretch and discover that he is far from an outstanding citizen. I mean, how many chances does the beak think he should frickin' get?

"...The 29-year-old unemployed Northcote man was seeking bail and the judge granted it in spite of the police opposition.

They pointed out the man had 65 previous convictions including burglary, robbery, armed robbery, and wounding..."

(Bold mine)

This judge's reality check just bounced!

And they wonder why ordinary folk are wanting more Judge Dread!


Mark.V. said...

What should have happened is that he received a separate sentence for each of his 65 convictions, to be served cumulatively. It is concurrent sentencing that is the problem, offenders serve a sentence for multiple convictions that is little longer than they would have recived for one conviction.

The Gantt Guy said...

I wonder if the leftist hand-wringing traitor to the concept of "justice" would have given this scumbag bail if it had been his place of that of a fellow judge that was knocked over!

The Gantt Guy said...

I wonder if the leftist hand-wringing traitor to the concept of "justice" would have given this scumbag bail if it had been his place of that of a fellow judge that was knocked over!