"Feilding police are investigating an early morning March 27 assault in which three boys, thought to be aged about 11, attacked a 52-year-old grandmother as she walked to work, taking her shoes before leaving her unconscious and bleeding at the bottom of a riverbank..."
No description of the young filth that did this, but do we really need a description of the Elephant in the room...
And it can only get worse--thank you liberalism.
They call for more police, which is the opposite of freedom which liberals espouse. Liberalism is always followed by more police or laws to control their so-called freedom.
What Conservative said. Exactly.
And they will have absolutely NO sense of shame, their "families" (ie random collection of beneficiaries) will support them against the oppressive whitey justice system.
Have you noticed the tendency over the past year or two, for the media to only describe european offenders?
If our bretheren are described at all, it is merely "dark skinned."
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