700 grains of copper and lead perhaps?
My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
"A young man has been killed after he fell from a car and it ran him over on a beach near Tauranga early this morning.
The 22-year-old local man had been riding on the outside of the car on Omanu beach in Mount Maunganui about 1am, Senior Sergeant Carl Purcell of Tauranga police said..."
It was a beach- NOT a road.
If the MSM can't get the little things right- how can we trust them with the big stories?
oh!- thats right....
"A man who accidentally shot dead his girlfriend with a sawn-off shotgun last year may avoid imprisonment.
Justin Paul Goldstone, 21, admitted the manslaughter of his partner of six months, Samantha Joanne Henderson, 20, when he appeared in North Shore District Court today.
He also pleaded guilty to the unlawful possession of a cut-down shotgun..."
Do I even need to start explaining why this is utter bullshit?
I doubt I would have to go past 'aiming a loaded firearm...'
"Marae-based youth courts are gaining momentum in New Zealand with a third scheduled to open next month.
The Rangi Tahi scheme, in which youth offenders are referred to a marae once they've been through the youth court, has been operating at Gisborne's Te Poho o Rawiri Marae for almost three years..."
I'm dead against ANY kind of separate 'Justice' system in this country!
One law for us all!
Not that I think much of what poses as 'Justice' in NZ, but this separatist nonsense is NOT the way to go. Anyone else see Sharia law next? Especially as we follow England in it's Lemming-like rush to self-destruction.
Fix what we have!
Also, ask yourself WHO has failed the kids who are to appear in front of these courts, in the first place...
"Shaun Sullivan - the violent recidivist criminal branded as ringleader in the fatal 2008 bashing of Featherston man Paul Irons - has been given a life sentence minimum non-parole 12 years in prison.
Sullivan, 26, was sentenced yesterday in the Wellington High Court alongside teenage accomplices Rangitera Spencer Walker, 16, who received a minimum non-parole life sentence of 11 years in jail for murder and Andrew Dean Kupa-Caudwell, 18, who was handed a sentence of six years in prison with a minimum of three years to be served..."
Hate to see what a SHORT sentence is then!
I call that bugger-all.
Especially for a recidivist criminal who should have been behind bars and not instigating this cowardly attack.
"The Auckland SPCA has closed down an arcade game involving live crayfish at three pubs across the city.
The animal welfare organisation said it had visited the three pubs it knew of in Auckland running the game, where patrons paid to try to catch live crayfish using a metal claw, and made the machines inoperable. Other outlets around the country would face similar action..."
A crayfish is a frickin' crustacean!
It's an oversized bug! It's nervous system is slightly more developed than that of a potato.
The 'metal claws' in these machines have no pressure in the grip- this is to make it harder to catch a prize!
I think these SPCA types need to discover sex and strong drink...
"A man narrowly avoided being hit in the head by a falling rock at Franz Josef Glacier and his partner suffered a broken foot after they jumped a barrier this morning.
Constable Bill Parker said the pair - a 34-year-old New Zealander and his 24-year-old Canadian girlfriend - read the warning signs, "but they thought they'd be alright so they climbed over the barrier."
They climbed down to where the river came out of the glacier terminal and were caught in a rock slide..."
Like with the Pit Bull owners- the best way to deal with cretins that ignore the plentiful warnings is to make them bear the full cost of their rescue, treatment and police time.
I'm sick of paying for them!
"A Belgian tourist who sparked an estimated $15,000 rescue operation after failing to sign out upon her return from Aoraki/Mt Cook will not have to pay up.
Rescuers began searching for the 28-year-old on Thursday afternoon after she did not check in at the Department of Conservation office on Wednesday..."
Yes, a very expensive mistake, but not for her.
For muggins taxpayer.
I believe- you go into the mountains without insurance for this sort of thing- you take your own chances.
I'm funding too many morons and their dumbass decisions in NZ , as it is!
"Supporters of Alison Downer, jailed yesterday for more than two years for the drink-drive death of a cyclist, say the 71-year-old will struggle to cope in prison.
Downer, an alcoholic from Te Horo, was yesterday banned from driving for eight years for what was her fourth drink-driving conviction since 1991. She had twice blown almost three times the legal breath-alcohol limit..."
Cry me a river!- If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!
You SHOULD be suffering, you poxy old piss-pot!