My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A more acceptable form of slaughter
"A woman has died from the injuries she suffered when an alleged drunk-driver ploughed into her car while she and a friend were having a coffee by the side of the road near Otaki.
Shelagh Cotter, 69, died in Palmerston North Hospital about 3am today, about 15 hours after she and a 62-year-old companion were struck by an out-of-control car as they sat on a grass verge on a rural road just south of Otaki..."
Now this case has many parallels with the shooting death last weekend.
Both involve gross criminal negligence causing death and only happened because widely publicized laws were broken. Laws created to prevent exactly these types of needless deaths happening.
But one thing IS different.
The lack of righteous howls of outrage towards the latter. Because it happens so bloody often that a death by drunk driver is barely newsworthy. We have become so used to this happening.
WE shouldn't be. We SHOULD be outraged. A car driven by a drunk is like a bullet fired at random into a populated area.
No better- no worse.
I will be interested to see the fate of the two defendants in these two cases...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Trendy Undead
"...Halloween is only two days away and people are flocking to costume stores.
Instead, vampire outfits are extremely popular following the success of the Twilight books and movies, and TV series True Blood, Christchurch people were opting for less traditional get-ups..."
Could it be that people have become used to evil, blood-sucking leeches living amongst us?
It wouldn't surprise me.
They are everywhere. From the heights of government, the feeders on corporate welfare, the idle able-bodied- down to the thieving criminal classes.
Every day there are more and more- feasting without thinking (as they once did) of what will happen when they drain the host.
So why am I not surprised that vampire costumes are extremely popular...
Friday, October 29, 2010
A novel concept
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A parents anguish
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Good to see
Monday, October 25, 2010
What one?

That old devil, time.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A 25-year-old Hamilton man charged with careless use of a firearm will appear in the Taupo District Court on November 3.
The newspaper said it understood he shot her from the road alongside the camp site, after seeing her in his spotlight and thinking she was a deer or possum.
The woman, believed to be from Wellington, died metres from her tent in the Department of Conservation campsite on Kaimanawa Rd..."
Why is it that trigger- happy types that can't tell the difference between a deer or a possum or a human for that matter- always seem to hit what they are aiming at!
As for hunting next to a camping ground- I hope this idiot gets the full penalty of law dumped on him!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Back on Nanny's Tit
"Work and Income has reinstated benefit payments for a provocative artist who failed to tell the agency he received payment for an exhibition promoting unemployment.
Out-of-work artist Tao Wells received a Creative New Zealand grant which he used to create a "beneficiaries' office" in Wellington...
...He did not tell Work and Income about the grant, and his benefit was suspended on Friday last week after the agency became aware of it.
"I'm trying to be honest. I did receive the amount, but it breaks down to a very low amount."
Wells told The Dominion Post his benefit was reinstated on Wednesday, after he and a beneficiaries' advocate met Work and Income staff. "It was a complete turnaround."..."
I believe his mission has be accomplished. Publicity.
What private employer would go near the twat? He might as well have 'troublemaker' tattooed across his forehead.
It's a government job* or the dole- but then I repeat myself...
* Standard exclusion applies to all those involved in defense, policing (actual, not traffic), medical services, corrections or stuff that is of some tangible good and a valid function of government. You wouldn't find this bastard in any of those roles, in any case!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Stuff I would like to see
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Uppity Union pricks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Whinging bloody teachers
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Chardonnay Socialists
"The boss of New Zealand's largest vehicle company wants Kiwis to pay more for their petrol.
Toyota New Zealand CEO Alistair Davis says our fuel prices are far too low - the fourth-lowest in the OECD in fact.
That's encouraging us not only to own bigger cars, but to drive them longer distances. And that means we're in reverse when it comes to meeting international greenhouse gas emission obligations..."
What I would like is to stuff a live rat up this shit-eating greenie's arse!
It's often said the 'being green' is a wet dream for those with plenty of disposable income. Enough that they wouldn't be put out by doubling the price of fuel.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...
Monday, October 18, 2010
NOW I'm getting angry!

"Three of New Zealand's leading writers have been honoured at tonight's annual Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement.
Joy Cowley, James McLeish and Cilla McQueen will each receive $60,000 in recognition of their contribution to New Zealand literature..."
If they are achieving, they don't need the lolly!
What's next- prizes for street sweepers for keeping the main street clear of fag-ends?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Send this prick to the workhouse
He is part of a $53,000 performance art installation series paid for by Creative New Zealand and Wellington City Council.
Creative NZ is defending its decision to provide a $40,000 grant but said last night it was unaware of the installation's "precise content" when the grant was signed off.
Tao Wells, 37, advocates the opportunities and benefits of unemployment and says it is unfair that long-term beneficiaries are labelled bludgers for exploiting the welfare system.
Wells' installation, The Beneficiary's Office, urges people to abandon jobs they don't like rather than suffering eight hours of "slavery"..." (Bold mine)
Who pays for the likes of this idle fuck?
A host of people working at jobs they don't particularly like.
"...Wells denied his pro-unemployment stance was hypocritical when he was being paid $2000 for the project. "We should never be forced to take a job. If you're forced to take a job it's a punishment. If a job's a punishment then society must be a prison..."
Yes, you should be free to chose- and free to starve...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Thought Police are mobilizing
"Justice Minister Simon Power has ordered a review into the ''wild west'' of the internet, he announced today.
The Law Commission will examine the adequacy of regulations around how the internet interacts with the justice system.
Bloggers and online publishers are not subject to any form of regulation or professional or ethical standards, Mr Power told Parliament..."
Utter bollocks!
We are- like everyone else- covered by the laws of defamation and name suppression laws. Has not the second been ruled on just recently?
So what else do you Nazi fuckers want? professional registration? (all the better to round up wrong- thinking bloggers for 're-education')
We know what you desire most.
For us to shut up, go away and stop taking you to task for your shortcomings, rortings and plain criminal activities.
And how about YOUR personal police force?
"Prime Minister John Key says he wants police to have more ready access to Tasers in a bid to head off a possible drift towards more officers being routinely armed with guns.
Mr Key said he supported moves by Police Minister Judith Collins and Commissioner Howard Broad to put firearms in all police cars, where they would be kept in locked cabinets.
But he also suggested he was uncomfortable with what appears to be a slow drift towards police having easier access to firearms outside of stations, and he would draw the line at all officers carrying guns on their hips..."
Of course the Diplomatic protection squad carry concealed and a shoulder holster ain't on the hip- so all is good!
He is protected by armed police, the rest of us plebs will just have to take our chances- and heaven forbid we could take responsibility for our own protection...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
'Can Do' attitude
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Government plans to issue new military medals to up to 160,000 people.
The new medals will be available to anybody who served in the military, even part time, for a minimum of three years, Prime Minister John Key, announced at the Royal New Zealand Returns and Services Association annual council meeting in Wellington today.
He said Cabinet had approved $3.85 million to make and distribute the medals.
''The medal is for those who have served in the military for more than three years since World War Two, and those who did compulsory military training or national military service.
''This is a fantastic way to give our servicemen and women the recognition they deserve.''
Applications would open next year and the first batch of medals would be delivered soon after.
Families of deceased ex-servicemen or woman could also apply, Mr Key said.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Paul Henry's Latest Blooper
And why would they not be?
"Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on Friday.
The poll of 2000 Britons found those over 50 laughed far less than their younger counterparts and complained far more...
...One reason for the decline in mirth might be the lack of joke-telling skills. The study found the average Briton only knows two jokes..."
I'm not quite there yet, but I find there are no shortage of things to be grumpy about. High taxation, supporting a nation of morons and bludgers, socialists, greenies, politicians, food nazis, criminal recidivists, perverts- the list goes on.
As for the average brit only knowing two jokes- it's much the same here- they take turns at ruling the country...
Saturday, October 09, 2010
How long does this have to take?
Friday, October 08, 2010
Book Progress
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Performance Review Needed
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Freudian slip
"The presidential seal fell off US President Barack Obama's podium and clattered to the stage as Obama delivered a speech to a women's conference.
The president was joking with the audience and getting some laughs when he realised what happened. "All of you know who I am," he quipped..."
No- actually they don't- as you refuse to offer proof of your identity.
A matter that should be so easy to clear up. All the 'Birthers' shot down in flames effortlessly.
But no...
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
World coming to an end- somebody has been insulted!

Paul Henry dared to say something negative!
Sunday, October 03, 2010
More than just a shack
Saturday, October 02, 2010
The Mendicant's Smart Card
- All benefit monies left after AP's on the account are paid (rent, etc) are restricted.
- No cash withdrawals.
- No account fees to get around the fact that these cards are used for small purchases. (actually, a flat fee is paid to the bank by WINZ, which is deducted from the benefit.)
- The card may only be used in outlets approved by WINZ from a list of approved suppliers (they may be able to negotiate a small discount through volume on this.)
- Certain items may not be purchased- tobacco, alcohol, lotto, etc.
- Some items may have a spending limit set (Fuel, for example, to stop trading with it.)
- Variations may be approved by a case manager, on application.