That 25mm cannon looks like just the can opener I need.
Campervans- two fossils having a great old time, while 30 drivers behind them are trying to get on with work, get places on time or travel at something close to the speed limit!
Pull off the road and let them past you worthless arseholes!
Before I find a Bushmaster on TradeMe!
Started laughing. You reminded me of a painting.
July 1943 - the Allies Invade Sicily. George S Patton is the commander of the US Seventh Army. While under enemy fire one of his armoured columns has been halted by a stubborn mule (the mule was pulling a cart loaded with the owners' household possessions). Its owner and several soldiers were trying to pull the mule off the road. Lives are being unnecessarily endangered. The discussion is nearly over. (Painting shows Patton with one of his pearl handled Colts half out of its holster...)
The Colts were never pearl handled!
They were Ivory- when asked about this Patton said that pearl handles were for New Orleans pimps!
Everyone gets out of the way of 113's (except for Aussie photographers)
Would that be the trip where a .50 barrel got sort of accidentaly pointed at a car full of mongrel mob?
Sorry Os.
I'll keep a closer eye on the rear view mirror in future!
The limp dick of an OC we had called a recovery team when his landrover 'broke down'.
Recovery team Corporal got a bollocking for useless bloody vehicles that haven't been serviced properly for the biggest exercise of the year.
Corporal flicks the fuel tank switch over and landrover miracurously starts.
And the major 'commands' a field workshop...
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