My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
"...Key said he was in favour of liberalising the rules around media reporting of suicides.
Currently media can report that a death was self-inflicted but not the method or any details.
While acknowledging it was a contentious point - opponents are worried reporting increases copycats - Key said the restrictions were not working.
"In the modern world what is ridiculous is we're tying the media up very tightly but actually in reality, with the social media and the like, if somebody commits suicide, a young person, I'll guarantee within half an hour to an hour there'll be a major Facebook site..."
There can be NO reason for censoring news that does not affect national security.
I believe it has less to do with fear of 'copycats' and more to do with taboo and superstition. People are uncomfortable with talking about suicide, so it has been decreed that all talk in the media is to be suppressed.
Do we put a blanket ban on reporting child abuse in the media, too? That is just as disturbing.
How about censoring all stories of death through driving badly, to avoid 'copycats'?
It just don't make sense...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The bastard tree from hell
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wowsers on the warpath
"...After almost 9000 submissions on the Alcohol Reform Bill, the justice and electoral select committee recommended 130 changes, which the Government has agreed to implement. The main changes will:
Explicitly prohibit convenience stores from selling alcohol
Restrict supermarkets and grocery stores to displaying alcohol and advertising in one, non-prominent, area of the store..."
I declare today- and every other day- as 'Wack a Wowser Day'
Here is a wild idea- hold those who cause problems whist pissed completely responsible for their actions. Bill them for police and medical costs for being a friggin' drunken nuisance, wasting taxpayers money and apply the full penalties of law for any criminal acts!
Make no mistake here. These wowsers are on the road to prohibition- if you doubt that- look to what is happening to those who's pleasure is the tobacco leaf...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
More PC claptrap
"A coroner is calling for compulsory spot checks of children from birth to the age of five to ensure they are safe and to avoid a repeat of the "horrific" death of toddler Nia Glassie...
....Mr Bain went on to say that New Zealand had one of the ''very worst records'' in the Western World in terms of how it treated its children on a comparison of education, deprivation, suicide and infant mortality.
''The evidence is crystal clear. New Zealand has a huge child abuse problem. It is sickening that it takes a case like Nia Glassie and all of the things that happened to her to act as a final wake up call...''
It appears the coroner doesn't have the balls to to say WHERE the problem REALLY is. And it's not with All NZ parents.
How about targeting those who are by far more likely to fit the profile? Anything else is a waste of resources (all in the name of being PC)
Maori and on a benefit.
There is your group to monitor.
Now grow a pair and say it!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Hungry kids without shoes or raincoats
Monday, August 22, 2011
A change in programming
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Top Troughers

"Their constituents are struggling but Maori leaders are living the high life.
Maori Party leaders Tariana Turia and Pita Sharples have racked up the highest ministerial expenses after Prime Minister John Key - despite not being in Cabinet..."
Surprise, surprise, surprise...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
"It's not quite corporal punishment, but Wellington High School pupils have had a first-hand taste of Guantanamo Bay.
Three teachers and two pupils donned Guantanamo-style fatigues yesterday lunchtime, with the rest of the students asked to work out which shrouded figures were teachers and which were pupils.
Suspected terrorists and prisoners from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have been detained at the American prison opened in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2002.
The challenge had a serious human rights message, said Richard Brown, 17, of the school's Amnesty International group, which organised the event..."
Yet again, it's the oh-so-evil west in the gun.
How about a bit of balance and give the bleeding hearts a taste of life in a muslim prison- or a prison of one of those beloved South American bastions of liberty that the young and naive seem to love (they keep buying the T-shirts)?
No- couldn't do that, could you? Connecting drippy sixth-formers reproductive organs to the mains would land you in jail, even if it did benefit the human gene pool.
Friday, August 19, 2011
I'm sick of hearing about it already
- I wasn't paying for it
- It wasn't assumed I gave a fuck about it
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Otago regional council wants an alternative means of killing southlanders
"Central Otago residents will be required to comply with a ban on open fires, inefficient woodburners, and multifuel burners from the end of next year despite the Government extending the introduction of the national standard for air quality.
The Otago Regional Council has announced it was standing behind its Otago Air Plan in a bid to decrease air pollution in Central Otago towns..."
Lynch the regional frickin' council! In fact- hand the frickin' lot of them, they are All EQUALLY WORTHLESS.
It's friggin' freezing down there and who could afford to run the heat pumps that would be needed to replace the fires?
Hey, but you can freeze to death with clean lungs!
Cold and damp will surely knock off more than a bit of woodsmoke.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
When is nanny state not nanny state?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
- All torches checked and placed around the house (hurrah for LED torches)
- Lighter by candles
- Lantern ready to go
- Gas cooker inside- ten refills in garage
- Firewood box full
- Mobiles charged
- IPods charged
- Radio checked
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Pussification of the outdoors
Friday, August 12, 2011
So I have this to look forward to
"A significant snow storm is predicted to hit the Wellington region from Sunday, with snow to "very low" levels in Wellington and the Hutt Valley.
The MetService has predicted heavy snow and gale force winds will hit parts of the country this weekend, causing widespread travel disruption and dropping snow in places that do not normally see it...
...Duncan said data this morning, from the same source that accurately predicted snow in several main centres last month, called for snow to very low levels in Wellington and the Hutt Valley and the chance of snow in Napier, Hastings, Masterton, Dannevirke, Palmerston North, Hawera, Stratford and potentially Wanganui..."
I might have to go and buy a few sacks of coal tomorrow. Got to get more carbon out there!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A public service announcement
- Take a stout broomstick- the type used on a yard broom.
- Remove the broom head if there is one attached.
- Carve a flat on one end- about 100-150 mm long.
- Lash the handle of a sturdy (and hopefully sharp) kitchen knife to the broomstick, using wire or nylon cord.
Enforce the laws we have
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
More PC bollocks in the armed forces
"Tough, super fit, female and keen to fight alongside Willie Apiata?
New Zealand's first woman SAS soldier could be serving in the world's troublespots within 18 months under new fast-track recruitment.
The elite unit announced yesterday that new recruits can now apply directly. Previously, aspirants had to spend several years in the navy, army or air force first.
Recruiters also want to attract the force's first female member. To date no women have passed the gruelling selection process..."
Has the world gone mental?
Did IQ's drop sharply overnight?
- Applying directly is a route to almost certain failure. Troops need to learn the bloody basics before moving to advanced training.
- SAS selection is friggin' hard! It's meant to be. I have seen a hell of a lot of wannabes come limping back with the 'stunned bunny' look, muttering that- 'they are all friggin' mad!'
- Sorry girls- unless you are a freak of nature- you just ain't going to cut it physically.
Now why does this lead me to believe that what will happen is a lowering of standards? Probably because it will.
Yes, I do have special forces woman in my last couple of books. This is one of many reasons it sells in the 'Fiction' section.
(They are also the result of some serious genetic engineering, many centuries from now)
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Monday, August 08, 2011
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Something I must do more often
Friday, August 05, 2011
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Dealing to the socialist commie hordes
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Moaning about milk
- Collected from multiple sources
- Moved to a processing plant
- Tested
- Processed
- Packaged
- Distributed
- Stored under controlled conditions
Monday, August 01, 2011
A moneymaker?