Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nothing much to look forward to

"The election will be held on September 20, Prime Minister John Key has announced this afternoon.
Key said he called the governor-general to inform him of the date yesterday.
"I'm announcing the election date well in advance as I believe this gives New Zealanders some certainty and is in the country's best interests," Key said…."
Oh goody- we get to vote on which flavor of socialism we want to be fucked over by. I had hopes for the Conservative party, but they are NOT looking promising. More of a diet socialism. What an opportunity lost...
The Groundhog has definitely seen his shadow and winter continues...


the conservative said...

Groundhog Day for sure, Oswald

KG said...

It'll take massive economic disruption to drag Kiwis out of their socialist mindset.
KiwiCameron certainly won't.

paul scott said...

not so fast Ostable, there is some water under the bridge yet, Conservative is a good option for an electorate seat, but better informed later, MMPis turning out to be very tricky