My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Smoke and mirrors
Cut off their oxygen
Lots of babies, lots of partners, lots of houses and lots of benefits.
"Welcome to the career dream of young boys already failing in the education system.
Alison Sutherland, who works in Wairarapa schools with children who have behavioural problems, says many of the boys she deals with – who haven't even reached their teenage years – can only see being the father of children and living with their mothers ahead.
"That is their career future," she said of youngsters who were opting out of education and employment because they saw babies as a source of income.
But coupled with the desire for children was a complete lack of understanding of what being a good parent might entail.
"There is no warmth about loving little children or wanting to be good parents. It is purely about this being a pathway to an income," the one-time principal of a youth justice facility school said.
"They have a perception that their future is to be unemployed. That is their norm. They have no sensitivity for the children – they see it as their form of income."..."
Yet there are still many that refuse to believe that things happen this way . Maybe not so much in their rose-tinted world. Time to cut off their oxygen...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Paranoia- you say that like it is a bad thing
I have been pondering the question of WHY our governments seem hell-bent on letting muslims set up their enclaves in our cities.
How does this fit with engineering a nice, docile, compliant society? It seems at odds to import the exact opposite types.
But not when you think long term. Uprisings and clashes between two incompatible societies will give the powers-that-be the perfect excuse to complete their total destruction of our freedoms. The chance to enact ‘emergency powers’, such as total censorship, detention without trial and martial law.
There can be no other reason for letting the wolf past the gate.
And if the population is able to be disarmed- the state makes itself the only protector around- should they choose to be…
Friday, July 29, 2011
Revisionist history and YOU are paying for it
And paying for this travesty big time!
"On Tuesday evening I witnessed an extraordinary confession.It was at the launch of Dr John Robinson’s explosive new bookCorruption of New Zealand Democracy — A Treaty Overview.
This book is a smoking musket that exposes how the New Zealand state is prepared to lie in order to con the public into believing that its Treaty guilt trip is real and the grievance gravy train justified.
Author Dr John Robinson, a socialist, confessed that, much to his shame, he once caved in to an ultimatum by his state agency clients to doctor his findings on the cause of Maori 19th century depopulation to fit the government’s politically-correct pro-Maori, anti-Pakeha, Brit-bashing myth.
If he did not comply, he would not be paid for his work..."
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The real fix
"...Neonatal and stillborn death rates between 2006 and 2009 were similar to rates in Australia and the United Kingdom.
However, they were significantly higher among babies whose mothers were young, poor, Maori or Pasifika.
"We can ... see that some groups of women and babies are particularly at risk - for example, teenage mothers - and more needs to be done to meet their specific needs during pregnancy and the perios immediately afterwards."..."
I would think that what actually needs doing is to is stop them getting pregnant.
The best way to do that is to STOP PAYING THEM TO BREED!
Hell, don't even give them the dole unless they get contraceptive implants.
- They will not take responsibility for their fecundity.
- They will not take the responsibility of supporting themselves.
- They will not do anything about climbing out of the hole they have dug themselves into.
They act like children- wanting to be supported- they get treated like children and get bloody told what to do!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Official- Time Travel Won't Work
"Scientists have crushed the dreams of anyone who has ever tried to turn their car, Jacuzzi or a telephone booth into a time machine.
Physicists at the Hong Kong University of Technology and Science have ruled out the possibility of time travel by proving that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light..."
I have a house full of stuff scientists have said would not/ could not work, exist or be practical to mass-produce...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Fear of the murderer
Pol Pot, Kmehr Rouge
Adolph Hitler, Germany under the National Socialist German Workers Party (nazi in short)
Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet Union
Fidel Castro, Cuba
Mao Zedong, China
Kim Il Sung, North Korea
Tito, Yugoslavia
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Monday, July 25, 2011
Unfortunately- I was right
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Last Tango in Oaks hut
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Welcome Back!

"The United States has accepted an invitation from Prime Minister John Key to send a ceremonial Marine contingent to New Zealand next year as a way of saying "thank you" for their support during World War II..."
Thursday, July 21, 2011
True then, true now
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Cabbages indeed
"Kapiti Coast District Council is forking out up to $10,000 for two new welcome signs emblazoned with macrons, which a critic claims will end up saying: "Welcome to Cabbage".
The council voted two years ago to place macrons – short lines above Maori vowels, used to lengthen them – over the "a" in Kapiti, the "o" in Otaki and the second and third "a" in Paekakariki..."
A lot of fuss- and money about bugger-all. Getting precious at our expense over a dead oral-only language.
A language as worthless as a culture that never managed to invent the wheel, the spear thrower, the bow & arrow and barely figured out how to make fire. Let it bloody die...
Cough up time- DBD annual fundraiser
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Media making stories up- AGAIN
Monday, July 18, 2011
You have to wonder
Sunday, July 17, 2011
This sort of thing ALWAYS happens
Friday, July 15, 2011
Health nazis on the ramage
"...As debate heats up over whether Auckland District Health Board should refuse to hire smokers, the Government-funded Quit Group confirmed yesterday that it already had such a policy.
Quit Group, which runs Quitline, has a clause in its employment contracts prohibiting smoking.
Workers can face disciplinary action if caught having a puff, or dismissal if they persist.
The ban includes smoking at work or during leisure..."
And here we have another assault on personal choice:
"...A bid to ban smoking on the streets of Auckland has been stubbed out.
Auckland Council had proposed banning smokers from congregating outside CBD buildings.
However, the idea was rejected today, Radio New Zealand reported..."
So you don't smoke?
This probably doesn't concern you?
Hope you don't mind when the health nazi's come for YOUR pleasure- a drink- soft or alcoholic, salt, pies, meat, sunbeds, anything petrol-powered...
Because sure as hell they will come gunning for YOU before long...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
No Problem
"...Carl Nathaniel Drewett, 28, got the gothic script years ago while he was in prison, but now wants it removed to move on with his life.
He went from being proud of the tattoo to wearing a beanie to hide it.
Drewett, who lives in Templeton, outside Christchurch, has been trying to raise money for the laser treatment, including applying for funds through government agencies..."
I have a better solution- for the taxpayers. Vodka- supplied at the recipient's expense, of course, will dull the pain AND keep away infection!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Bullshit alert
"...The Northland teen died shortly after being hit by a police car late at night while he and his 14-year-old brother and 16-year-old cousin were walking along State Highway 1 to a party near Ohaeawai.
Earlier that night, Wilson had been seen smoking cannabis and consuming alcohol.
The IPCA said while the officer's actions were not unlawful, it stated "his failure to have his headlights on high beam were unreasonable and undesirable pursuant to the Independent Police Conduct Authority Act 1988".
It added that driving in fog with lights on low beam were not the actions of a "reasonable and prudent driver''.
And two months after coroner Garry Evans ruled the tragedy could have been avoided had the officer been driving with his lights on high beam, the IPCA has taken issue with Wilson's actions..."
(Bold mine)
I read this and thought- 'Hang on!'- as i thought, a quick check of the NZ road code revealed:
"...Dip your headlamps in fog
If you drive with your lamps on full beam in fog, the light will just reflect back on you. Dip your lights – it will be much easier to see.
Don't just turn your park lights on. They are hard for oncoming drivers to see and do little to improve your vision.
You can use front fog lights when driving in fog. These have a wide, low beam and produce either a white or yellow light.
Rear fog lights, which produce a high-intensity red light, should only be used when visibility is very bad. (In normal conditions they can dazzle drivers following you.)
Fog lights should be switched off as driving conditions improve..."
So it appears the IPCA and the Coroner don't know the NZ road code. Nor did the repeaters that printed this story...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The tactics of the small political party
- One set of rules for ALL
- Reduced government
- Reduced taxation