My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Oh!- the humanity of it!
Something nobody should ever see.
You will look, though- won't you!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Other solutions
Now given that the Arabs want them gone (preferably dead), the left-dominated media condemns them for daring to fight back against a mere few thousand rocket attacks and the felching rimjaws of the UN want them to likewise disappear.
Would another country with lots of underused land invite the whole country to pack up and move there?
Like New Zealand?
We could do a lot worse that to welcome a nation of hard-working go-getters to relocate to our mostly empty spaces. Look what they did in a desert in sixty years! It would be a huge task and would take some years to complete but all things are possible. Like surviving with bomb-toting pychos all around your homeland!
With there wealth and workers plus help from all the arseholes who want them gone from the middle east- dig deep you scumbags and put it where your mouths are!- new cities would soon be built along with all the needed infrastructure. If we went with this idea- we could surely can the RMA!
We would also have one kick-arse army and a real air force!
And last but not least- all the ingrate rag-heads living here now would have plenty of spare room back in Palestine- back with the faithful!
Tell me what is wrong here
Monday, December 29, 2008
Retards on the road

For once they get past the 50kph sign and are from that point in brain arrest.
There are several main groups.
The- 'I drive EVERYWHERE at 65k' group - on the open road, down the driveway, though snowstorms and in front of ambulances with beacons and sirens on.
The 'I'm Fuckin' Speed Racer' types- they must overtake at all costs- anywhere, in all conditions and with total disregard for anyone else using the road. It's a damn shame more of them don't die in flames, down a bank out the back of nowhere.
The 'Nervous Nana'- only travels at 2/3 the speed limit 'to be safe'. Drives a new three-door or a Pirus if they have money.
The 'I haven't got a fucking clue where I am/are going/how I'm going to get there' Too mean to buy a map or a GPS. In the unlikely event that they ask you for instructions, it is always fun to put on a German accent and act confused. That's the payback for being trapped behind one for an hour as they slow down to look around like those fairground clown's heads.
The 'Harrased Parent'- easily recognised by the overloaded station wagon and obnoxious children/wives. Avoid them they may be armed when the snap.
The 'Non-driver'- for the rest of the year they only drive to the railway station, kids school or shops. This is the first time in a year they have driven more than five km. They may display any or all of the above behaviours.
I'm working in a point between the holiday spots.
I wonder how long it is before I'm first on the scene to some bloody mess this year?
(last year was a doozy!)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Those pricks don't get half the kicking around that they deserve!
Carry on!
Blogging made more difficult
Namely, two MP3 devices.
Now I knew these things could play movies- but I thought "who would want to watch a movie on a teenie-weenie screen?"
Now I know- and not content with ripping all the music CD's, they spend all day downloading stuff to play on them!
When I first got the InterLink on, I had a 3 MEG allowance and started to pay about $2/meg. Now we are downloading a couple of Gig a day!
If it's not that, it's looking for cheats for the PSP games.
I'm glad I signed up when they offered an unlimited downloading package!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
It ain't Christmas now
The soldiers, sailors, airmen, policemen, firemen, ambulance officers, nurses, doctors, CO's, water & sewer workers, power line workers and all the many others that work 365 days a year without us giving them a thought unless something fucks up!
I'm one of you and right now raising a glass to my brethren on duty today!
On the uniformed branch of the IRD
There is a speed trap here at the bottom of an incline, the camera being placed near where the road goes from 50 kph to 100 kph and of course everyone but Horace Wimp is accelerating before actually passing the 100k sign.
I know this because I got pinged there twice this year. Watching the road, not the gauges, in my diesel ute which accelerates like a mule train (and has a similar top speed)
Also, being a local, I happen to know that the injury accidents in this area are a number very close to- if not actually-ZERO.
It's just a bloody cash cow!
I wish the cops were as well resourced for nabbing the boy racers doing burnouts, the wankers hooning on minibikes about town and the bloody non-road legal profusion of tractors and agricultural vehicles clogging the roads driving from one town to another at 40kph!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Time to become comfortably numb!
Drive software for new toys loaded
Mammal flesh charring on flame-pit
In-laws visited
Beer kegs connected to tap
Shot over.
Shot out.
Drink for effect- out.
For you Matrix fans
A- NOBODY makes it the first time!
(now it's back to trying to dissolve the cholesterol from breakfast with Navy Rum & coffee)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
An impressive feat!
"I ran around and all I could see was this baby's head sticking out from under the grille. He wasn't breathing."
"All I could think of was I had to get that train off him, but I couldn't get it to budge by myself. I screamed out at Marie and somehow I don't know how we did it we lifted it up and shoved it back about two metres.
"The strength came from nowhere; it was that mother's natural instinct that just kicked in like an adrenaline rush. I knew if we waited any longer that little boy was going to die right there."
More here:
800 kg of engine alone.
Those two deserve a DB!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Rage against the Machine
I refuse to subscribe to the pretense that we must all be civil to each other. In other words, those on the left must be allowed to vent their spleen on us and in return get a civil retort. Not friggin' here!
If you dislike me or my views, fine. Make your feelings known on YOUR OWN blog. The one that gets four hits a week, in all probability.
This is my soapbox- find your own!
Be assured that those SEEKING information may do so freely. I'm more than happy to explain or elaborate.
If you come to sneer or take the piss- you will get the blog equivalent of a size 12 steel-cap in the gonads.
And for the record- if you had ANY understanding of the Libertarianz, you would know that the one thing we are NOT are herd beasts. We come in all shapes, sizes and temperments. There are some that will give your digs a well reasoned rebuttal. There are others that will give you an invitation to sex and travel.
I'm one of the latter.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The colour of the sky on your planet is...?
If I got a restaurant meal worse than prison food, someone would be washing it out of their hair shortly after!
I know all too well what prison food is like. Nutritious, adequate and that's about it. Way behind army rations and hospital fare.
As it should be.
In fact, it's too good for most of the filth that receive it.
I have dined in Nz's finest restaurants- and a few at the other end of the market. Never have I been served up anything like prison food, with the possible exception of 1965 Army canned rations that were handed out during the late '70's. And while those trailed on the quality side, they were ahead in quantity!
Pita Sharples, you don't know what you are talking about- if you find Corrections food that good- you would be more of an ascetic!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Since we are over this greenie bullshit...

How about a few of these?
They will buy us the time for this new nuclear technology to come on line.
Or the 8% that voted green can all get busy in a giant treadmill- for the common good...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Laws has it right!
I actually listened to this show. He has it right. Almost all parents- at some point- put a grumpy baby in our bed to sooth them. We don't smother them because we are acutely aware that they are there. AND want them out at first opportunity!
MOST of the smotherings- and I want to emphasis- NOT ALL- are from she-elephants and/or the drug or booze addled with a BMI larger than their IQ.
I'm sure many large mammals kill their young this way.
By being large and dumb, that is!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Assholes that really wind me up
Today' s arse-wipe was a towel-head called up to explain the significance of throwing shoes. The jumped up sand-ape started on a rant about the evil George Bush and what a great thing it was that this tit of a journo threw his jandals.
Never mind the actual question he was asked.
This prick was a so-called Iraqi community leader from the 'Village of the Damned' (AKA Christchurch)
I suggest he get his arse back to the filthy shithole he fled, given that the West is such an evil place.
Monday, December 15, 2008
To correct an inaccuracy
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Eggnogg made easy
Take the following:
1 litre of ready-made custard
300 mls cream
one teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
mix well, adding dark rum until you can't taste all the other shit.
She disagreed with something that ate her
What can I say but:
You get everything you deserve owning these friggin' beasts.
I'm just glad to see that it isn't some other poor sod being mauled THIS TIME!
Told you so!

I do believe I said (although it may not have been here) that this arsehole should have had his balls removed!
Now WE are paying for not doing so!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Jar Jar Binks Prat of the Week Award

"...Labour and the Greens are furious at National's tactics.
Labour leader Phil Goff said that by the time National had passed its bills under urgency it would have rammed more through all their stages without going to a parliamentary select committee than Labour had done during nine years in office.
While Labour had often used urgency, it was rare for it to push a bill through all three stages under urgency, he said..."
Now let me see- Before the election, the Nats said they would bring in these laws. They said they were going to hit the ground running.
They won the election, presumably on these election issues.
They delivered.
Eat shit and die, Phil!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You lost- suck it up.
"Prime Minister John Key is under fire over plans to rush through law changes before Christmas giving employers the right to sack staff in their first 90 days on the job.
Unions criticised the Government's refusal to allow a public debate and called it an attack on workers' fundamental legal rights..."
It was a well-publicized move and going by the way the vote went at the elections, one that has plenty of support.
Of course the usual hand-wringing apologists for the terminally useless are whining like a bus-load of Pommie tourists!
Meanwhile , in the real world- employers don't actually want a constant churn of new employees. They need training and that costs time and money. But when you hire a dud, you want to get rid of them like dead fish- now- not after 'going through the process', that being heavily weighted in favour of the dud.
Here is another news flash- they other employers want them gone and replaced too. Nobody likes carrying some useless bastard who should be capapble of doing the job. I've seen more than a few of them come and go over the years- and they never went soon enough. Sometimes it's not a matter of competency- they are just possessed of a toxic personality and as welcome as Phillip Alpers at a gun club function.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen the period extended to six months, as in a more technical roll it can take longer than three months to do a fair assessment of a newbie- although you generally have a fair idea they won't cut it.
Really, this is geared towards the non-skilled or entry point worker who does not have a checkable CV to offer. (and employers SHOULD check bloody CV's!) I don't see it being a problem to the skilled or professional worker. Including those contemplating moving back to NZ- despite what the Chicken Little red team are squarking.
Of course there will be the inevitable asshole employers who will use this to perform some kind of employment rort.
But ask yourself- would you really want to work for one of these creeps?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Community based sentencing- make it HURT!
"...The vegetable garden was ruined, spouting broken and a window smashed after about 20 youths went on a mid-afternoon vandalism spree..."
Now some may wonder why I bother about this sort of thing when people are being killed, robbed and generally assailed.
Because this sort of lawlessness is where it starts. I saw it so often when reading case histories- the first charge on many record was Theft of a Bicycle. Small stuff that goes on along the path to being a lifer. Crimes punished with a slap on the hand with a wet WINZ voucher.
When one complains, it is good form to propose a remedy.
I think this sort of offense (for a first offense) is best served with a non-custodial sentence. A couple of years of community service should teach a lesson. None of these 150 hour sentences.
Failure to turn up and do your time gets the time doubled. Each day missed gets a day in the local stocks!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Gee- how did I manage to live without knowing that!
Probably the same way I manage to get from A to B without a GPS.
I often wonder why people put these in their vehicles when they can't even operate the friggin' indicator switch, the rear-vision mirror or the speedometer!
And don't get me started on texting! Never has so little been said by so many at such great expense!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Martinborough Water Quality
A word of advice to the amateur journos at the Wairarapa Times-Age-
Just ask this question, which is a simple yes-no.
"Does the Martinborough town water meet the NZ Drinking Water Standards 2005? "
Easy, aye?
A killing is a friggin' killing!
Murder is despicable whatever the motive!
Cut the PC shit- It's just another unlawful taking of a life.
It's no worse- or better- when the victim is somebody you don't like.
The song remains the same
I'm sure these were ordered under the old powers-that-be, but the new masters have no hesitation in milking this old cash cow!
(National don't get a free ride, in case you were wondering!)
More on toys
Got a Samsung 32" LCD and what a difference! The picture is fantastic- with my eyes, I see no need to buy the expensive full HD set!
Right now it is like looking out a window watching the BBC's 'Walking with dinosaurs'.
I looked at a bigger set, but at $849 for the one I got,I decided not to go for the bigger one at 50% more.
Maybe one day I will get a 40+ inch set (now why the hell do they still use inches!)
Friday, December 05, 2008
Musing on Toys
It's not so long ago that I remember memory selling for $100 per meg!
And some time before that a portable Walkman-type tape player cost $500 and used one change of four batteries per tape!
It's a shame motorcycles don't follow this trend- not that I would be allowed one these days!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Sharps Shooting
And I'm still sighting in
That beats the hell out of the WEATHERBY 1 1/2 inch guarantee at 100 yards.
And I'm using peep sights
Drug users- go for it!
The flip side is that I'm ALL for crimes committed whilst using drugs being punished most severely.
In other words, drug-fueled crims go to the great gulag in the sky.
For the worst ones- murderers and KF's- Jack Ketch.
For the rest- it's off to the loser colony, where you get your drugs supplied by Mr Taxpayer.
The cost being that you remain their forever. Oh- and while the drugs are supplied by taxpayer's largess - the food must be earned- by sorting the recyclables out of the countries rubbish.
If you want out- its five years of testing drug-free- easy in- not so easy out!
When Fucktards Attack
"A group of Palmerston North schoolgirls were left bruised and stained after a drive-by paintball attack..."
The idiot that did this needs to be dealt to with the full weight of what the law permits.
Paintball is a lot of fun. It's a full-on contact sport and the paint balls hurt. Like being tackled hard- that's OK when its between two players.
It's very not OK to tackle some stranger walking down the street! Which is analogous to shooting a stranger with a paintball.
I'm betting the paintballers are pissed at this. This sort of bullshit is what puts a shitload of restrictions on a sport. Like making them have firearms licenses and all the expenses that go with them.
How about just whaling the hide off the cretin that thought it might be a good lark to shoot up a few random folks on the footpath?
I think that would put it right!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
More prison- Sherriff Joe Style
That's a big fat 'so what'.
Put up tents.
Ring them with razor wire.
Concrete shower blocks.
Concrete kitchen consisting of big pots to boil potatoes and cabbage.
Army to provide border control.
Easy and cheap.
If the scrotes behave REAL well, they MAY get a transfer to a regular prison!
Oh- and make them work 14 hrs a day, seven days a week sorting rubbish into recyclables, to defer costs. Their rations depend on meeting quotas!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Bullshit Alert
If we were such a pathetic weak species we never would have made it this far.
MOST OF THE WORLD would love to have houses like the million supposed sub-standard ones mentioned in this beat-up.
So modern houses are better than those made thirty-plus years ago? Is that not how it should be? My house is 1960's. It isn't cold or damp. The previous owners fitted ceiling insulation, bathroom ventilation and a log burner, I have added a heat pump and low energy lighting. AT OUR OWN EXPENSE and without some government directive.
This is what you do if you want to be a bit more comfortable, pay for less power and want to cut maintenance costs due to damp. If you chose not to heat, ventilate or wear a friggin' jersey when it's cold- that is your outlook.
So stick the mandatory energy standard for houses where the monkey hides his nuts!
This all smack of the 'won't you think of the children!' cry heard when some group has an axe to grind.
Or some prick is after regulations that will drum up trade for HIS business- this being the more probable scenario.