Thursday, November 15, 2007

Harden up you pussywhipped, Brady Bunch townies~

Did this article need a graphic images warning?

A couple of friggin goat heads! They have probably been left out for the flesh to rot off- a lot of folks do that as they want to keep the skulls and horns. No satanic rituals to see here- move along!

"...A Waikato SPCA animal inspector said it was "very graphic and horrific" and severed animal heads should never be left in full public view..."

You friggin soft-cock weenie! Take a look in the butcher's shop and you will see pigs heads and other bits of critter. Whats the bloody difference?

Another non-story about the pussification of New Zealand...


KG said...

Reminds me of the story about American schoolkids being asked where they thought meat came from, and most of them said "the supermarket".

Anonymous said...

Shocking Oswald I am so glad the appropraite Department has taken care of theis matter Imagine the counselling that would have been needed if a school bus full of children had come upon the sight.


MathewK said...

Just say that it's part of some ancient cultural ritual, that'll shut the tossers up, heck they might even offer you some taxpayer funds, to make up for the guilt or something.

sweetpea said...

Oddly I would find it worthy of a graphic content waring if they were the heads of cats or dogs fresh and bloodied i.e. amimals normally kept as pets by young children but other wise not. They are just goats heads, no different from a pigs head in the butchers I ahve occasionaly bought, then cleaned and cooked to make braun.

Coming across a severed sheeps head in an uncles shearing shed didn't bug me as a towny child even though I did connect the head with the fresh lamb chops served for lunch. Such is life, if you don't like it become a vegetarian.

ZenTiger said...

Sh*t, another exorcism gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

Shit o dear dont you think the one on the right looks a lot like Tame Iti without the moko