Young girls wandering about town alone- pissed and wearing bugger-all might as well have a sign around their necks saying 'Rape Me'
It's the equivilent of smearing yourself with bacon fat and walking through bear country.
In a more civilised world, it would be OK to walk about in such a state, but as we know- it is NOT a nice place out there!
Can't you people LEARN from what has happened to others?
The big bad wolf is REAL and we can't have a cop on every corner looking out for you. Nor is the wolf going to get the noose, as he should...
Ahh yes, the evils of slutwear.
How do you know they are drunk. ??
I cannot tell from that picture. They could be two friends walking home pausing to exchange chitter with passersbye. They could be pro's looking for business. They could be looking for an opportunity to expand their social network. What i do know is that i have never seen anyone walking around wearing a sign that reads 'Rape Me'.
You must be desperate (or kinky!) to rape something that vomits in your face!!!
err..Anonymous, the pic is probably for illustrative purposes only.
Why do people making the most moronic comments all have the same name--"anonymous"?
The radical fembots insist that women have a "right" to dress as they please and walk wherever they wish at any hour of the day or night.
Which may be fine, in utopia. But in NZ today it's just stupid.
Yes, the picture was illustrative.
If you wish to see drunken tarts and lots of skin, you need merely walk through middle of Wellington on a Saturday night.Plenty of proof there that this actually happens...
Yes, its sad indeed. I'm bloody grateful I never saw my daughter down Courtney Pl in her late teens but then I was always going home sober about 10.30 while she was getting ready to go out. I'm more grateful she survived but the drinking and party pills have left emotional scars - she can't completely shake the guilt she feels. Being pissed in public wasn't smart for her and won't be for these young things either. Sadly, its evolution and the stupid fall by the wayside.
Unfortunately people think that we're living in some sort of utopia where everything is ok now. Last night I saw a program about some drug-driver who killed a cyclist on her way home. At the beginning I said they would not utter one word about harsh punishments or why drug use is so rife in society now.
As suspected it was all just feelings and sorry and learn from my mistakes. It’s the same thing with alcohol abuse, they’re going out for the express purpose of getting drunk, I’ll bet these morons think that the laws are there to protect you; they don’t realize that you first need to get raped and killed before the law can step in. Even when it steps in you’ll usually be the loser. Even if the system does the right thing and even shoots the rapist/s, you’ll still carry the scars of it for the rest of your life. It’s not like some of those video games where when things go bad you can just hit ESC and restart.
It’s this permissive, all are equal, no judgment, no responsibility, leftist society that we have created for ourselves. Unfortunately OB, some can ONLY learn from their own mistakes.
Aren't you glad you don't have any daughters Oswald?
you bet!
I have three of them. They're being trained in modesty, the common sense of legal weapon-carrying, as well as how to defend themselves.
The best way to get out of an ambush is not to get into it stephen.
Things you learn in the infantry #2
Imagine how it is is the Scandinavian countries then. I can't remember if it was Norway or Swdeden but a senior female minister in the government basically told native Swedes/Norwegian girls that if they dress sexily they will be raped because that is what happens when you embrace cultural diversity.
Brian Smaller
That's where the common sense part I mentioned comes in.
laughing my head off here....;-)
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