Birds don't get killed by that...or do they...
When they aren't building death-trap viewing platforms, shooting Takahe, or trying to exterminate anything non-native- DOC are poisoning the bloody Keas!
Only a government department...
My opinions on matters of the day that, generally, have pissed me off. Being described as a 'Surly Curmudgeon', by those who meet me on a good day, I have a poor regard for the human species. This is my place for my free speech- not bloody yours. Crap under your own rock.
"A British commercial for a chocolate bar featuring The A Team star Mr T has been pulled over concerns it could cause offence to homosexuals.
The commercial features Mr T firing chocolate bars at a speed walker for being "a disgrace to the man race".
It has been criticised by the Human Rights Campaign and has been pulled from screens by American chocolate giant Mars..."
Leanne and Grant Bradley sued wedding venue host Gail Jones for "loss of ambience" following the April 5 explosion, which left Hamilton Senior Station Officer Derek Lovell dead and seriously injured seven of his colleagues..."
"...A Rotorua man is facing his 19th drink-driving charge after being stopped by a police officer who allegedly saw him driving erratically.
The Rotorua Daily Post reported today the man, who was stopped last Wednesday night, has 18 previous convictions for drink driving and 22 previous convictions for driving while disqualified, dating back to 1971..."
"...A third of all school leavers dropped out last year without getting level two NCEA and nearly one in five failed to make the qualification's most basic rung.
Thousands of dropouts risk becoming beneficiaries or getting low-paid casual jobs..."
So lower the god-damned leaving age to fourteen! Why waste time over-educating cracker-stackers, dunny-scrubbers, full-time breeders and friggin' dustmen. Hell, they are just pissing everybody who WANTS an education off.
News flash- Thanks to bar code scanners, Pak & Slave don't require a BA! (not that it's good for much more)"...A police election year wishlist includes 1700 more officers and anti-social behaviour orders and curfews to target young criminals.
The Police Association says New Zealand needs the extra police to deal with growing violence and to bring police staff numbers in line with Australia..."
"...He called for community-imposed curfews on problem youths, and police powers to search for concealed weapons, to request identification from those breaching curfews and to issue "move on" directions.
Anti-social behaviour orders, which have been used in Britain since 1998, would help curb intimidating behaviour in both youths and adults.
The orders stop individuals entering particular areas or engaging in specific activities such as intimidation, wearing certain clothes or public swearing..."
YES!- they shouldn't have to pussyfoot around obnoxious drunks and druggies whatever their age. Also, the old offenses of 'Drunk and Disorderly' and 'Drunk in a public place' need to be resurrected. However, ASBO's don't appear to work in the UK, so I don't see why they would help here.
Obnoxious drunks should spend the night in an old-fashioned drunk tank cell, complete with wall-to-wall urine and vomit.
Curfews for minors should be brought in if approved by locals by referendum. Offenders to be locked up until uplifted by parents the next day.The 20-year-old has admitted three of seven burglaries committed in Whakatane in the past week, Sergeant Yvonne Parker said.
In one of the burglaries, a video camera, alcohol and baby clothes were taken, she said.
It appeared the woman was in "nesting mode," Mrs Parker said..."
A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement. - Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural address, 1801
Those are governed best who are governed least. - Thomas Jefferson
I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787
Government is not reason, nor eloquence. It is force. And like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearsome master. - George Washington
The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter. - Winston Churchill"Handywoman Wendy McKenzie is building her own home.
The single mum is helping build her dream house in Oratia thanks to Habitat for Humanity..."
Yes, yes- very good but perhaps you would be better off if instead of learning about carpentry, you should have learned/be learning how to find a good man and keep him!