Friday, February 04, 2011

After our wee storm

Full marks to:

Telecom- excellent service that exceeded my expectations.

AMI insurance- the fastest call to get a broken window sorted.

The old chap next door- he gave me a crayfish for removing a branch that was threatening his power and phone lines (and it was MY tree!)

GV Electrical (Carterton)- on the job soon after they were called, sorting my power out.

Epic fail to:

Contact Energy- Called out the local volunteer fire brigade, when clearly told the line was not broken. Then we waited two days hearing nothing. A follow-up call to them and we were told that the damage to the house connection was OUR problem.

It would have been nice to have been told that when they found out on day one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to pay tax on the crayfish. I suggest sending IRD the body shell - its about 50% - when its stinky.