Thursday, March 19, 2009

Steel-capped Boot Camp.

"Boot camps for troubled youth are a quick fix that will not stem violence and bullying in schools, experts say.

The Principals Federation has called on the Government to reject boot camps. The call follows expert advice given at this week's two-day behaviour summit in Wellington..."

Well, that may be true- I have misgivings about it too.

BUT- what have all you EXPERTS managed to come up with that actually worked. Diddly-squat.

My misgivings are it will be too watered down to be an effective shock. Hell they can't even use harsh language these days. When I went through a drill sergeant could curse at you for two minutes and never repeat himself.

I favour the boot camp from 'Starship Troopers'- and I'm talking the book- not the wussy movie!

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