Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cowardly, scummy, shit-eating, lowlife vermin

"As locals mourn the loss of a Featherston man who "wouldn't hurt a fly", police have arrested a fifth person sought in connection with his brutal death.."

In common with the other three murders that have occurred in this town, the victim has been at a complete disadvantage to his assailants- either by numbers or, in the other two case, being elderly or a helpless child.

The last two have been savagely beaten to death by marauding low-life thugs for little, if any, reason.

How the hell can we NOT have a death penalty?


KG said...

Nothing will change until the law-abiding get together..and break the law, by taking it into their own hands.

TouchStone said...

How's those "gun-control laws" workin' out for ya's down there?

Just kiddin', Os.
Hell, we're currently undergoing our OWN fit of self-inflicted mental-retardation-by-government, with ol' King Putt doing a kids-for-human-shields photo op to give no less than 23 new Imperial Edicts to try to take away our Rights.

God help us, the world's gone sideways....

Oswald Bastable said...

Yep- those who won't learn from history are doomed to repeat it...